Институт экономики

Российской академии наук

Главная Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011


Sukharev O. Institutional Change, Efficiency and Structure of Economy. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.

The book develops the theory of institutional change, is formed in the direction of economic analysis - institutional macroeconomics. The author developed the concept of economic dysfunction and applied it to writing problems of economic growth, offers a model of competition in the agents "innovator-conservative", corrects the doctrine of "creative destruction", offers a model of institutional change based on the effect of a chessboard, with the resulting conclusions from the change in criteria for public well-being that are not fair in terms of institutional change. In addition, the monograph developed axioms of efficiency of economic systems, and proposes a system to assess the economic efficiency of system dysfunction, using the apparatus of the theory of reliability. The author analyzes the problems of the evolution of technical and financial systems, economies, showing a gap at the level of the fundamental principles of their joint development.

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