Институт экономики

Российской академии наук

Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy akademii nauk

(The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


New website of the journal:



The journal is indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database. In accordance with the final ranking of the journals included in the VAK List in 2023 (categories K1, K2, and K3), "The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences" was assigned the category K1 in the following disciplines:

5.2.1. Economic theory (Economic sciences);

5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economy (Economic sciences);

5.2.4. Finance, monetary circulation and credit (Economic sciences);

5.2.5. World economy (Economic sciences).



  • The journal "The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences" is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database.

Source: https://www.elibrary.ru/projects/rsci/RSCI_202411.pdf

Source: https://vak.minobrnauki.gov.ru



2024, N 6 (.pdf, 3 MB)

Date of placement: 14.12.2024



Vestnik Instituta Ekonomiki Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk (The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences) was founded in 2007 and registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with the Law in the Sphere of Mass Media and Cultural Heritage Protection (Certificate of registration ПИ No. ФС 77-26786 of January 19, 2007). ISSN 2073-6487 (Print).

The journal publishes articles on a wide range of topics related to economic research. Special attention is paid to analyzing the problems of Russia's economic development.

The journal is indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database. It was classified in category К1 of the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) for publishing main research results of doctoral and candidate theses in economics, including the following disciplines:

5.2.1. Economic theory (Economic sciences);

5.2.3. Regional and sectoral economy (Economic sciences);

5.2.4. Finance, monetary circulation and credit (Economic sciences);

5.2.5. World economy (Economic sciences).

Profile and indicators in the Russian Science Index ...

The scientific articles and materials published in the journal are freely and permanently available online (via Open Access). Materials are provided under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), which allows the use of intellectual works provided that authorship is indicated.

Our target audience includes Russian and foreign economists, professors, graduate students, undergraduates, economic experts and analysts, government officials of all levels participating in the economic policy development and implementation.

The journal is published in print (six issues a year) and has a full-text electronic version, available on its website and also on the websites of scientific electronic libraries (eLIBRARY.RU and CyberLeninka).

The journal is included into the List of peer-reviewed scientific editions (from the List recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, approved by the decision of the Academic Council of Lomonosov Moscow State University), in which research results of theses in economics must be published, into the List of journals recommended by the Academic Council of RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation for publishing articles on economic sciences and into the List of journals recommended by MGIMO University.

No fee is charged for publication of articles. The editorial board does not provide any paid or agency services. Articles are accepted directly from authors.

Articles received through agents will not be considered for publication. Articles published in the journal are assigned a digital object identifier. DOI: 10.52180/2073-6487.

The main language of the journal is Russian. Article titles, information about authors, abstracts, keywords and references are translated into English.

Founder and publisher

Founder and publisher of the journal is the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science).

32, Nakhimovskiy Prospekt, Moscow, Russia 117218

Tel.: 8 (499) 724-15-41; e-mail: ieras@inecon.ru; website: http://www.inecon.org


The journal is included into the Russian Science Index - a bibliographic and abstract index organized as a database, accumulating information about publications of Russian scientists in Russian and foreign scientific journals.

Distribution and subscription

The journal is published in printed form and has a full-text electronic version, which is available on its website and also on the sites of scientific electronic libraries (eLIBRARY.RU and CyberLeninka). The printed version of the journal is distributed by subscription.

Subscription index in the Catalogue of Ural-Press agency: 80713

Contact us


Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences
32, Nakhimovskiy Prospekt, Moscow, Russia 117218
Tel.: +7 (499) 724-13-91 (Tuesday, Thursday)

Manuscripts are to be submitted online through the SUBMIT ARTICLE page on the new website of the journal:

E-mail for authors: vestnik-ieran@inbox.ru



Svetlana V. KOZLOVA – Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Chief Research Associate, Head of Sector at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Nikolai Yu. Akhapkin (Deputy Editor-in-Chief) - Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assistant Professor, Head of the Center of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Svetlana A. Bratchenko - Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Leading Research Associate at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Irina S. Bukina - Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Leading Research Associate, Head of the Center of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Artem G. Pylin - Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Leading Research Associate, Head of the Sector of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Irina A. Kolpakova - Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Olga M. Gribanova - Research Associate at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Secretariat of the Journal

Tatyana M. Kasyanenko - Employee of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the RAS)

Nadezhda P. Nefyodova - Employee of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the RAS)


Editorial Board

Ruslan S. Grinberg (Chairman) - Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Econ.) Professor, Academic Supervisor of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Mikhail Yu. Golovnin - Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Marina A. Abramova - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Department of Banking and Monetary Regulation of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Olga A. Alexandrova - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISESP RAS).

Lyudmila A. Anosova - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Department - Deputy Academic Secretary at the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Albert R. Bakhtizin - Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Director of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Olga V. Butorina - Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS).

Sergey D. Valentey - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Scientific Research Association of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

Andrey E. Gorodetskiy - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of Department «Institutions of Modern Economics and Innovative Development» of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honoured Scholar of the Russian Federation.

Natalia P. Ivashchenko - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Scientific Director of the Department of Economics of Innovation of the Faculty of Economics, Deputy Dean for Interfaculty Interaction and Innovation Activities of the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Irina E. Kalabikhina - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Head of the Department of Population of the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Irina V. Karavaeva - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Chief Research Associate, Head of the Department of Economic Theory of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Alexey V. Kuznetsov - Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Director, Chief Research Associate of the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Yulia G. Lavrikova - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Director of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Elena B. Lenchuk - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Head of Department «Economic Policy» of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Valentina Yu. Muzychuk - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Assistant Professor, Deputy Director for Research of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Alexander D. Nekipelov - Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Director of the Moscow School of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Olga M. Prokapalo - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Deputy Director for Research at the Economic Research Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Alexander Ya. Rubinshtein - Dr. Sci. (Phil.), Professor, Head of Department «Theoretical Economics» of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honoured Scholar of the Russian Federation.

Valery A. Tsvetkov - Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Director of the Market Economy Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Sergey I. Chernykh - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Chief Research Associate at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Sector of the Institute for the Study of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Alexandra A. Shabunova - Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Director of Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The editorial board of the Journal wishes all authors a creative success and invites to cooperation!



Purpose and objectives

The purpose of the journal is to publish the results of theoretical, empirical and applied research in the field of economics, and to disseminate modern economic knowledge.

The journal is aimed at promoting scientific communication, providing a venue for sharing scientific knowledge in economics, joining efforts of Russian and foreign scholars and practitioners to improve the quality of economic research and education, organizing discussions on the most pressing problems faced by the Russian and world economies, giving early career researchers opportunities for publishing their findings, informing the scientific community about the results of the most important research projects and events in the field of economics.


The journal publishes articles on a wide range of topics related to economic research, including economic theory, economic history and history of economic thought, world economy, institutional economics, economic policy, branch economics, finance and monetary policy, social sphere, social and labor relations and regional development.

The journal also provides information about the results of research carried out at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as about the development of the Institute's scientific schools. Main sections of the journal ("Economic theory", "World economy", "Economics and management", "Finance") correlate with scientific specialties for defending doctoral and Ph.D. theses in Economics. Articles on the most acute problems of the Russian and world economies are placed under the heading "Topical issues". There are also sections for publishing the results of round tables, conferences and symposia organized by the Russian scientific community ("Scientific life"), and reviews of new books and textbooks on economic sciences ("New book releases"). A special section is reserved for articles by early career scientists.

Review process

All articles that are submitted and have passed the initial examination (evaluation by editors of the subject, content and format of the text) are subject to review (see Review guidelines). The reviewing procedure is anonymous (double-blind review). Based on its results, the editorial board decides on whether to publish an article. In case authors disagree with the decisions made at any stage of the review process, editors do not engage in controversy.

Publication ethics

As for publication ethics, the journal's policy is based on Russian and international standards. It agrees with the principles of scientific publication ethics approved by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The editorial board has the right to refuse to publish an article in case it violates the established rules of publication ethics (see Ethics of scientific publications).

Disclosure policy and conflicts of interest

Unpublished data obtained from a manuscript submitted for review may not be used in other studies without the written consent of the author / all authors of the manuscript.

Information obtained in the course of review that is associated with possible benefits should not be disseminated and may not be used for personal gain.

A reviewer may not participate in evaluating an article if there are conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative or other relationships with the author (any of the authors), companies or other organizations connected with the submitted article.


All articles are checked with a plagiarism detection system. The decision on whether an article is admitted for reviewing is made by the editorial board based on reports generated by this system, in accordance with the journal's plagiarism policy (see Plagiarism policy).


Retraction (removing an article from the journal after publication) is a mechanism for correcting the scientific information and alerting readers to publications that contain such serious flaws or erroneous data that their findings and conclusions cannot be relied upon, as well as to cases of redundant publications, plagiarism and failing to disclose a major competing interest that would have unduly affected interpretations of the work or recommendations by editors on its use. Retraction is carried out by the editorial board in accordance with the established rules (see Retraction guidelines).

Information about retracted publications

"Banking System and Real Sector of the Russian Economy: Prospects for Joint Development", by A. Arkhipov and A. Kazannikov



Manuscript requirements

Articles submitted to the editorial board pass the procedures of: initial screening, checking with the help of a plagiarism detecting system (Anti-Plagiarism), reviewing, and approval for publication by the editorial board. The editorial board accepts for consideration materials (manuscripts) in Russian, complying with the editorial policy of the journal, having contents suitable for one of its sections, previously not published and not accepted for consideration by other journals' editorial boards, meeting requirements stated in "Ethics of scientific publications in The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences" and formatted in accordance with the rules established by the editorial board.

If in the course of initial screening the non-compliance of the subject, content or format of an article with the editorial requirements is revealed, its author/authors is/are informed that it is rejected without being reviewed any further. As a rule, this information is emailed to the author(s) not later than 10 days after the article was received by the editorial board. The reviewing procedure is carried out in accordance with "Regulations on reviewing materials received by the editorial board of The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences".

The editorial board makes a decision about accepting an article for publication, sending it for revision or rejecting it based on the results of the review and discussion of the article. Articles received by the editorial board after revision are re-reviewed and discussed by the editorial board. Prior to publication, articles are subject to scientific and literary editing. Editorial revisions are agreed upon with the authors. In case an article is accepted for publication, a publication agreement is sent to the author(s) for approval and signature.

Publishing date is decided on by editors in the process of discussing the content of upcoming issues and is approved by the editor-in-chief.

Articles are published free of charge. The journal does not charge authors any fee for preparing their manuscripts for publication. It does not return submitted articles and other materials to authors.

Authors of articles are responsible for their content and for the fact of their publication. The editorial board does not always share authors' opinions and is not liable for any inaccuracy of the published data. The editorial board disclaims responsibility for any damage that the publication of articles may cause to authors and/or third parties and organizations.

Manuscript formatting

1. Submitted materials must include (all in one file):

1.1. surname, name and patronymic of the author (or authors, separated by commas) in Russian and English (in the beginning of an article);

1.2. title of the article (in Russian and English);

1.3. an abstract in Russian and English (not more than 10 lines each);

1.4. keywords in Russian and English (not more than 10 words);

1.5. Classification codes:

1.5.1. one to three UDC codes (the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is necessary for systematizing information, searching for relevant data on a particular topic, and arranging new articles, publications and books into groups according to their topics);

1.5.2. one to three JEL codes corresponding to the subject of the article, based on the alphanumeric classification system for economic literature (Journal of Economic Literature);

1.6. the text of the article;

1.7. bibliography in Russian and English (at the end of the article, see 2.3-2.5);

1.8. information about the author/authors:

• surname, name, patronymic (unabbreviated);

• academic degree, academic title;

• position and place of work (the organization's legal name);

• city;

• country;

• e-mail of all authors of the article (to be published in the journal).

2. Notes, links and references should be formatted according to current national standards (GOST 7.05-2008).

2.1. Bibliographic and content notes should be styled as footnotes numbered continuously within the article.

2.2. An article bibliography is a list of literary sources that are referred to, mentioned and cited in the text of the article. Literary sources are placed at the end of the article in the same order as they are mentioned in the text, or in alphabetical order. If the list is arranged in alphabetical order, it starts with publications in Russian, and foreign sources are listed afterwards. In the text the reference to the work from the bibliographic list is made after it was mentioned or quoted, with the number of the respective bibliographic entry in brackets, e.g., [10]. If the author mentions (cites) a particular extract from a literary work, then the number of the work in the bibliographic list and the pages on which the extract can be found must be specified, separated by a comma, e.g., [10, pp. 80-81].

2.3. References to normative and archival documents, statistical reviews, newspaper articles with no authorship details, and links to websites without indicating any specific material should be styled as footnotes, without including these sources into the bibliography.

2.4. To help identify references in the bibliography, it is necessary to provide the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and eLIBRARY Document Number (EDN) for each reference, if available.

2.5. For Bibliography in English, the whole list is translated from Russian (not transliterated).

3. Formatting requirements: the document must be single-spaced, Palatino Linotype font; author's surname - 11-point light, straight, capital letters; article title - 11-point bold, straight, capital letters; key words, abstract, footnotes - 9-point light, straight; article text - 11-point font. Margins: 1 cm top, 2.1 cm left, 1.2 cm bottom, 1.4 cm right.

4. Tables should bear titles and numbers, and all text references to them should be by the numbers (e.g., Table 1). If a table contains footnotes, these are placed below the table. For footnote symbols in tables, asterisks (*) or letters are used. References to sources are placed below the table after footnotes and are preceded by the words "Source:" ("Sources:") or "Calculated according to:".

5. Formulas are created using Word tools, and complex formulas are typed in the built-in formula editor. If the text contains references to formulas, they must be numerated.

6. It is advisable to prepare figures (diagrams, charts and graphs, in black and white) in vector graphics programs. Photographs should be in TIFF or JPG formats with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

All figures must be numerated and have captions, and all text references to them should be by the numbers, e.g., Fig. 12.

Footnotes contained in figures should be placed immediately below them. For footnote symbols in figures, "asterisks" (*), the letters or other signs can be chosen, provided they differ from footnote symbols used in tables and in the main text. References to sources should be placed below figures, after footnotes, and preceded by the word "Source:" / "Sources:".


The editorial board of "The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences" considers it its duty to protect the confidentiality and safety of the information it receives. In this regard the editorial board undertakes to provide the necessary protection and proper use of personal information (also referred to as "personal data" or "personally identifiable information") received from authors in electronic form or on tangible media.

The author grants the editorial board of "The Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences" the right to process the following personal data without time limitation: surname, name, patronymic; information about academic degrees and titles, place of work and position occupied; contact information.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact the editorial office by e-mail: vestnik-ieran@inbox.ru and by phone +7(499) 724-13-91 (Tuesday, Thursday).

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